record CLEAN K1-A Pb – Radiation protection with selectable lead equivalents

With modified seals and a heat-absorbing core, the basic record CLEAN K1 becomes a certified smoke control door

The door core of our record CLEAN K1-A -dB is noise-absorbent and surrounded by rubber seals. Available in sound-proofing stages of 34 dB, 37 dB and 42 dB. The surface can be designed with high-grade steel or freely designable HPL. A combination of the materials is also possible.

The K system moist room door is based upon the one-winged (K1) and two-winged (K2) door models, respectively the corresponding automated doors.

Fire protection sliding door (fire protection closure – FSC) with certification according to DIN 4102, EN 1634, Belgian special standard and smoke protection testing according to DIN 18095 for structural work entrances up to W x H 1 510 x 2 135 mm in light weight drywalls according to DIN 4102, pt. 4

If no hermetic separation required, the doors can also be supplied with a slightly modified door leaf. Due to the elimination of the hermetic closed position, optical changes occur to the lower leaf guides and the path of the door. Otherwise, the visible similarity to the K1 / K2 series remains, enabling homogenous designs to be implemented.