record THERMCORD RC 2 / RC 3 – effective burglar resistance with efficient, energy-saving properties

The internationally approved redundant design (RED) for escape doors consists of a double drive unit, two combined but independent controls, and a battery to perform an emergency movement in case of power failure.

record THERMCORD is an automatic door system that has thermally separated door profiles with heat insulating properties. The ift Rosenheim determined an achievable heat transmission coefficient (UD) of 1.1 W / m² K featuring approved insulating glazing. THERMCORD is employed as an inside or outside door in areas with a – even temporarily – high temperature differential.

The record THERMCORD profile system, with its striking range of features designed to reduce climate control costs, was introduced for the first time in 2012. The THERMCORD+ continues to apply this idea by using active seals.

The reinforced DUO-drive is equipped with a second motor and matching controller. It closes the gap between the record STA 20 all-round sliding door drive, and the record STA 22 unit, which was designed for particularly heavy automatic doors. In contrast to the STA 22 model, however, the DUO drive is also available for drives with low housing covers of 108 and 150 mm in height.