record SPEEDCORD – crash-proof rapid shutter door for indoor applications
The record SPEEDCORD is a rapid operating shutter door for indoor applications, easily installed between the warehouse and sales area, or between two warehouses.

Customers often install them in addition to manually operated gates and doors that are locked outside working hours. Due to fully integrated drive and control components, and the fact that the device uses 230 V mains power, the upgrade is comparatively easy to install and inexpensive to install and run.
Wide range of applications
The record SPEEDCORD also functions well as an inconspicuous, attractive visual barrier, or as a convenient goods entrance in supermarkets. The SPEEDCORD can also be used to connect two storage areas of different temperatures. The high opening and closing speed means low hold-open times, thus minimising thermal exchange, and waiting time is also practically eliminated. This is particularly important in the case of large doors commonly accessed by forklift trucks. The record SPEEDCORD can also be used to stop noise from spreading, e.g. from assembly line areas.
High level of safety
Extensive safety features protect users and materials from damage or harm. A light sensor recessed deep in the tracks detects obstacles in the closing area. The newly developed record anti-crash system (RACS) ensures that collisions with the record SPEEDCORD do not have serious consequences, and do not lead to other operational malfunctions.
- All drive elements integrated into housing; no protruding components
- Modern brushless drive motor: powerful and low maintenance
- Control panel integrated into doorframe; with graphic display (BDE-D)
- Power supply is 230 V; no external wiring or switches required
- Warning light with maintenance-free LED technology
- Installation, maintenance and repair through Europe-wide record service network
Range of Applications
- Interiors of food distribution centres, supermarkets, retail stores, logistics and freight forwarding companies
- Assembly lines
- Cargo areas at airports